A Practical Guide to Create Technical Specification Document with Examples

A Practical Guide to Create Technical Specification Document with Examples

“Despite the known importance of a technical specification document, many teams struggle with creating and managing one” – Anna Thornton.

Imagine you have an incredible idea for a new software or engineering design. You have the team in place, the funding secured, and you’re eager to start coding. The excitement is palpable as you discuss features, designs, and timelines. However, amidst all the enthusiasm, it’s easy to overlook an essential step that can make or break your project: creating a technical specification document.

Skipping this step and jumping straight into coding may seem like a time-saver, but it can lead to confusion, wasted time, and a subpar final product. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of technical specification documents and their benefits and provide examples and tips on creating one effectively. So, let’s get started right to it.

A technical specification document is a technical design document, software design document, or engineering design document is a detailed plan that outlines a software development project’s requirements, objectives, and constraints. It serves as a roadmap that guides the team in building the product, ensuring everyone is on the same page and working towards a common goal.

The technical specification document typically includes the

  • Functional and non-functional requirements of the software

  • Scope of the project

  • Timeline

  • Internal standards

  • Impact

  • Work involved

  • Budget

It may also include diagrams, mockups, and other visual aids to help the team understand the project’s scope and details.

Regarding software development, two types of specifications often come up: technical and functional. While they may sound similar, they serve different purposes.

A functional specification outlines the software’s features and functionality from a user’s perspective. In contrast, a technical specification focuses on the technical details such as hardware and software requirements, data architecture, and programming languages used.

In other words, the functional specification answers the “what” of the software, while the technical specification answers the “how.” Both documents are essential for a successful software development project, and they should be written with care to ensure everyone on the team understands the project’s objectives and requirements.

IT technical specification addresses technical projects, IT infrastructure issues, and system updates for the IT team. This document type is commonly used in IT infrastructure projects, such as server upgrades, network installations, and software implementations.

Some details in an IT technical specification document include hardware and software specifications, network requirements, security protocols, and data migration strategies.

The website technical specification outlines the technical requirements for developing a website. It covers aspects such as design, functionality, and user experience. It describes the website architecture, design elements, functionality, content management system, and third-party integrations providing a clear roadmap for the project team.

This gives clarity to any software development project. It describes the software application’s technical requirements, including the software architecture, programming languages, database schema, and user interface design.

In addition, it should describe any external systems or services that the software application will interact with and how it will integrate with them. It should also outline the software development process, including coding standards, testing metrics and requirements, and version control procedures.

This flexible and adaptable document outlines the technical requirements for each iteration or sprint in Agile development. Unlike traditional technical specification documents, it is created and updated incrementally throughout the software project development process. The document is lightweight, includes a description of technical requirements, and reflects the Agile principles of simplicity and adaptability. It is critical to ensure the development team clearly understands technical requirements and roles, providing a roadmap for delivering working software that meets customer needs.

It serves as a blueprint for a product, outlining its general specifications and intended uses. It includes a product summary, a description of features and functionality, technical specifications, and design requirements. The document can guide the design and development processes, make revisions based on user testing and customer input, and ensure the final product meets user needs and expectations.

It is advisable to use tables and charts to make it clearer and more understandable for the design and product team members.

This specification provides detailed information about the technical aspects of equipment, including manufacturing, power requirements, and safety considerations. It helps ensure the safe and efficient operation of equipment. The document typically includes information about equipment dimensions, materials, maintenance and repair procedures, and training or certification requirements.

This specification outlines the details of a product’s design and the technical requirements for its development. It is a roadmap for engineers and developers to follow during the design and implementation phase. The document specifies the technical attributes and requirements of the product, including the tools, technologies, and programming languages that will be used. It also describes the intended user experience, including the product’s features and functionality.

While writing has many approaches, technical specification writing requires technical skills. To excel in creating a good technical specification document, you need to do the following:

  • Gather existing information in the problem domain before starting the technical specification document

  • Read product/feature requirements and technical requirements/standards related to the project

  • State the problem in detail and brainstorm solutions

  • Pick the most reasonable solution

  • Consult with an experienced engineer and explain the problem and proposed solution

  • Gather feedback and ask for their review of the technical spec

  • Block off time to write the first draft of the technical spec

  • You can use a collaborative document editor and a technical spec template to write a rough draft

Once all the necessary information is gathered, it is time to venture into the writing phase. Here are the key sections of your technical specification document:

  • The Front Page

  • Brief Summary

  • The Solutions

  • Further consideration

  • Risk, security, and privacy

  • Impact assessment

  • Timelines & Milestones

  • Open Question

  • Conclusion

Let’s take a quick look at each of them.

This contains the title, author, and other details like the date.

The summary should give a general overview of the issue from the user’s perspective. For instance, you should define what problems the users are facing. Provide as much context and then give a brief overview of the solution that is being proposed.

This part of the TS document is focused on illustrating the existing or suggested solution for the project. This usually includes three things:

  • Solution based on User experience (non-technical solution): This would include how the user interface would be, the features and actions the users would take, and the UI elements.

  • Technical Solution: This is where the solution is explained on a technical level. This section could include mentions of files and codes used.

  • Test plan: Highlight how you would test your changes here.

This section of the document showcases the possible constraints faced during the process. This includes cost analysis, regional considerations, accessibility, operational considerations, third-party services, platforms, and software, effect on team members, and support considerations.

This section of the document covers the possible risks and the preventive actions to take when they occur. When dealing with external products, you must consider user privacy and data security to ensure that clients are also free.

Discuss the impact of the project on users, stakeholders, and the organization. Include a cost-benefit analysis if applicable. To effectively do this, incorporate your selected metrics, set your goals, and measure performance against these metrics as the process goes on.

Create a timeline and milestones for the project to help keep the process organized. Define deliverables and deadlines for each stage of the project.

Include open questions to encourage feedback and collaboration from team members.

Summarize the main points of the technical specification document and outline the next steps for the project. Provide supporting materials and references in this section.

That’s a lot to take in, right?

Don’t worry; there’s a solution to that! With the help of a reliable documentation platform like Document360, you can easily cover all the necessary information and even access a pre-made specification template to get started.

Things to consider before writing technical specification

Before diving straight into writing technical specifications, there are some things to consider – some questions you must answer.

Is it for your current customers, consumers, and users, or your future users and customers? Is it strictly for your employees? You need to answer these questions.

Is the product designed for users, and what would they be able to do with it – book a service, order a product, or get updates? If it is for your employees, how would the product improve or increase their efficiency at work?

Smartphones, desktops, or laptops? iOs, Android, or Windows?

Setting a deadline is very important. Set the date and time when you want the app or solution to be rolled out for usage.

You should set an amount of money to spend on the project and how much should be put into different project development sectors.

Once you have all these things covered for your TSD, it’s time to kick off the practical aspect of technical specification documentation – creating it.

How to Create a technical specification document

While writing has many approaches, technical specification writing requires technical skills. To excel in creating a good technical specification document, you need to do the following:

  • Gather existing information in the problem domain before starting the technical specification document

  • Read product/feature requirements and technical requirements/standards related to the project

  • State the problem in detail and brainstorm solutions

  • Pick the most reasonable solution

  • Consult with an experienced engineer and explain the problem and proposed solution

  • Gather feedback and ask for their review of the technical spec

  • Block off time to write the first draft of the technical spec

  • You can use a collaborative document editor and a technical spec template to write a rough draft

Once all the necessary information is gathered, it is time to venture into the writing phase. Here are the key sections of your technical specification document:

  • The Front Page

  • Brief Summary

  • The Solutions

  • Further consideration

  • Risk, security, and privacy

  • Impact assessment

  • Timelines & Milestones

  • Open Question

  • Conclusion

To take a quick look at each of them, Visit https://document360.com/blog/technical-specification-document/